Welcome to my ever-growing collection of powerful hypnosis audios! Tune in & let yourself be guided to the most transformative place of all: your own subconscious mind. 


Like an elixir rushing through your brain and transmuting fear into love & dreams into reality, these guided audios are designed to help you shapeshift into your most CREATIVE, AUTHENTIC, JUICY, JOYFUL BADASS-SELF by reprogramming your subconscious mind.


Drink up and watch the positive changes unfold in your thoughts, behaviors and reality 🍯🌀❤️‍🔥



Let's talk subconscious mind magic. Understanding these principles and owning this process makes it SO much more effective. Come hang out in the video and then take your pick from the elixirs :)


   Shift your focus to pure gratitude for what you already have and feel deeply whole  as you are. And as a byproduct.... attract more good stuff too.


   Hypnosis elixir to activate the self-healing abilities of body, mind & soul, and connect with the deeply loved child inside of you.



   Connect with the wisest organ of the body: the heart. Start to pick up on intuitive messages more easily every day and live life heart-led.




 One of the most powerful moments in a woman's life is when she realizes that the expansion, passion, happiness & fulfilment in her life, is directly related to her willingness and ability to dismantle her own programs & rewrite her own stories.


AND MAN. When I found hypnosis, and got the access keys to my subconscious mind, my life about quadrupled in light & love, all because I was able to do just that: untangle, rewrite, reparent, and reprogram. 


Joy, confidence, peace, and lightness is your most natural state.


I'm SO EXCITED to help you bring that back to you. There's a whole world of magic awaiting you in your own subconscious 🍯💛





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